A Monkey's Revenge - My Blog

GDPR- The Privacy fiasco

GDPR- what an absolute fiasco!
Now here is a piece of legislation made and imposed with the best of intentions, but the worst of results. No proper consultation, not enough thought and the end result approaches this.....

I published my own privacy policy on my website, and also an article approaching the silliness of the above. My thoughts on the debacle. But of course I removed it on 25th May because that was the deadline date for GDPR and it is now THE LAW!
If you set yourself up as a target then you will eventually likely become one!

It's already cost me money, time and I've already experienced much of the public and business confusion over GDPR. Hopefully things will work out eventually and we will all carry on as normal. My email inboxes will also return to normal and I will still get all those marketing calls and ppi and insurance/accident claim phonecalls I love so much ;-(

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