A Monkey's Revenge - My Blog

A rest is as good as a change

I've had a six week break from blogging,so for those of you who noticed-my apologies. A certain wedding has taken place and that took quite a bit of my attention, plus a fair bit of commercial work where the clients preferred me to keep their business to myself.

Along with all the above I wanted to see if the world would fall apart because I hadn't blogged for over a month. It didn't and we are all still here. I've written this blog since April 2007 but doubts had crept in about whether it actually serves any useful purpose or is just a complete waste of my time and effort. On balance I enjoy writing, so here goes-for now, the blog continues but with perhaps a few breaks here and there when work gets too busy.

The news this week has been full of stories of looting and rioting all over the UK. Whilst I've seen some brilliant images I have to say I'm glad I didn't get asked to cover any of them. Several photographers and cameramen have had their gear trashed and a good beating for their trouble. When your young you think you are invincible. Sadly thats not the case and by pointing a camera at these looters you make yourself a target for violence in return. I'm too old to be running away from teenagers hell bent on 'having fun' and a bit of mindless violence.

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